Rosaceae (rose family)
- mostly alternate
- simple or palmately or pinnately compound
- stipules (except Spirea)
- leaves or leaflets
- ~w/ serrate marginss
- ~oval
- inflorescence – usually indeterminate
- raceme, cyme or solitary, axillary or terminal Radially symmetric Perfect
- 5-parted
- petals distinct, short clawed
- many stamens
- pistils – numerous to 1
- enlarged receptacle (hypanthium) bearing sepals, petals and stamens on its margin
- ovary various
- varied (follicle, capsule, achene, drupelet, drupe, pome)
Other notes:
- very diverse and economically important
- trees, shrubs, herbs
- aromatic
- ~thorny
- Amelanchier (shadbush, serviceberry, saskatoon) | 1 species
- Cotoneaster | 1 species
- Crataegus | 1 species
- Holodiscus | 1 species
- Malus | 1 species
- Oemleria | 1 species
- Photinia
- Physocarpus (ninebark) | 1 species
- Prunus (plums) | 2 species
- Rosa (roses) | 1 species
- Rubus (brambles) | 3 species
- Sorbus (rowan, mountain-ash) | 1 species